Johnny Yen / Waltzing Along / All The Colours Of You / Interrogation / Born Of Frustration / Space / Out To Get You / Hymn From A Village / Medieval / Getting Away With It (All Messed Up) / Just Like Fred Astaire / Moving On / Nothing But Love / Sit Down / Sometimes / LaidSupport
Jamie Webster, Tom A SmithMore Information & Reviews
Review: David Brown @
“Moving On is dedicated to loved ones passed and with Tim and Chloe singing it to each other, the emotional resonance is strong particularly as the sun goes down. There’s then an amusing moment as Tim beckons the choir down to sing the harmonies of Nothing But Love, but Dave starts up Sit Down. Dave blames Saul for the mistake, who takes responsibility, before joking that it was really whoever wrote the setlist’s fault. The choir becomes one of five thousand for the rousing latter-period Nothing But Love, before losing themselves collectively in an uplifting Sit Down, a song that feels reinvigorated this year and a beacon of light in a dark world.”
Read the full review at
Review: Gareth John @ The York Press
“Tonight’s show feels timeless, the rising sounds carried beautifully by Booth’s distinctive and textured voice, the agile and energetic frontman leading the band in rounding off their set with the hauntingly beautiful Sit Down, the somewhat spiritual Sometimes and the quirky yet wonderful Laid.”
Read the full review at The York Press
Review: Sarah Fitton @ Halifax Courier
“The Manchester legends – who play at The Piece Hall again tonight (Saturday) – were on top form as they delivered iconic hits including ‘Born Of Frustration’, ‘Waltzing Along’, ‘Laid’, ‘Nothing But Love’, ‘Sometimes’ and ‘Sit Down’.”
Read the full review at The Halifax Courier
Review: Izzy Clayton @ Backstreet Mafia
“Opening the set with ‘Johnny Yen’ the band take fans back to their early days with the song being a release from the band’s debut album ‘Stutter’ back in 1986. As the second song starts ‘What For’, both Deborah and Chloe join the band on drums as well as the Inspirational Voices Choir. During ‘Waltzing Along’, Tim comes off stage and greets fans on barrier before performing the song whilst stood on the barrier – holding a person’s hand in the crowd for support.”
Read the full review at Backstreet Mafia
Review: Helen Millington @ RGM
“The band open with ‘Johnny Yen’, followed by ‘What For’ and then crowd favourite ‘Waltzing Along’. It was at this moment the crowd were in for a special treat as Booth leapt down from the stage and gracefully balanced on the barrier (with the support of a few bewildered fans). For the entire song, Booth perched on the railing holding onto a fans arm, with another steadying his leg. The crowd lapped it up and sang along.”
Read the full review at RGM