Sit Down / Laid / Destiny Calling / She's A Star / Waltzing Along / Out To Get You / Come Home / Tomorrow / SoundSupport
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Moving onto Leeds and James were disappointing. The audience did not even appear to recognise opening track Sit Down and seemed more concerned in when Robbie Williams was coming on. Persistent technical problems plagued the show. ensuring that the original set list had to be tom up and Surprise had to be ditched totally to keep within the time slot. With the threat of imminent rain, Tim tried his best to incite the crowd into activity with frenzied dancing, but the technical problems meant that whenever they gained momentum it was lost between songs. Destiny was dedicated to the “freaks” that like James. After the high of the previous night, this show was better forgotten.
Kitty Empire, NME
And they do at least have one thing going for them: they aren’t JAMES. Oh yes, despite being a band who began as brittle artisans with aromatherapy workshops, James have amassed a stonkingly huge vault of poptastic hits. Alas, not many are recent, as the clunking ‘She’s A Star’ and the rank ‘Destiny Calling’ prove when measured against the old belters. It’s a workmanlike set, pressing familiar buttons, low on surprises. And is it just me who remains unconvinced by Tim Booth’s conversion to glam-rock tart, an even more belated and half-arsed U-turn than Bono?